Audi History
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Audi is a vehicle fabricating organization with a major history. Information about it is given in numerous spots today which come to state how pleased the proprietors of this maker are. There are in reality numerous things that do right by them. 
The establishment of the organization is on 14 November 1899. This is the date when August Horch (1868 - 1951) built up the organization A. Horch and Cie which was the beginning stage of Audi that we know today. This organization was built up in the Ehrenfeld area of Cologne where August Horch made his first vehicle model. The vehicle was done during 1901 and in March of the following year the organization was moved to Reichenbach in Saxony. 
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After two years the organization was changed over to share-giving organization. During that time another difference in area occurred. On that year - 10 May 1904 an organization in Zwicka was built up by the name A. Horch and Cie. Motorwagen-Werke AG. 
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It is intriguing to realize that right-hand drive started from the time of ponies where carriages were utilized. The coachman sat in the right-hand side of this vehicle and that was of late actualized in the primary vehicle model August Horch grew yet later Audi were the first to offer another arrangement which came to be truly better. This arrangement is the left-hand driving. It made workable for more secure method of driving in light of the fact that the driver has a superior view on the approaching traffic. All moves are simpler when utilizing a left-hand driving and this is the motivation behind why even today it is most regularly utilized. The primary vehicle which utilizes the left-hand drive is called Audi Type K and this occurred on 1921. 
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The year 1926 is extremely critical on the grounds that during it the initial eight-chamber vehicle was presented by Horchwerke AG of Zwickau. The Horch was the name of that vehicle and it was the principal German eight-chamber vehicle to go into volume creation. Paul Daimler planned the motor with twofold overhead camshafts. They were driven by shaft set vertically to the entire camshafts body. This made feasible for a 60 drive motor to be made. 
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After two years in 1928 the first DKW vehicle showed up. That happened in light of the fact that Rasmussen at last got the ground-breaking motor he required. That motor is 600 cc, 15 hp as two-chamber cruiser unit. 
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Rasmussen got most of offers in Audiwerke AG. in 1928 and he caused the DKW little vehicle to be with front-wheel drive. It was later delivered in enormous numbers in a similar organization. This occasion occurred in 1931 and the vehicle had a wooden body. An impersonation of cowhide was made on the wooden body and the old two-stroke motor was utilized to control the vehicle. 
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Audi, DKW, Horch and Wanderer got together on 29th June 1932 to make the new Auto Union AG. This was a truly large occasion in light of the fact that these 4 brands were the Saxon vehicle producing mammoths. Together they made their administrative center in Chemnitz. They had the option to serve the total creation procedure and they made numerous models - even extravagance cantina vehicles. 
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In the following year - 1933 at the Berlin engine show Auto Union AG introduced to the overall population the main standard-size traveler vehicle with front-wheel drive. For that vehicle a six-chamber motor was utilized. 

A year after that another structure for a superior air dynamical intrigue won a race and it extraordinarily expanded the fame of Auto Union. The triumphant hustling vehicle depended on plans of Ferdinand Porsche. The six-chamber motor was introduced on the posterior of the vehicle behind the driver. That made workable for the less air dynamical protection from happen and less force was lost because of that. 
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Another administrative center of the organization was established in Chemnitz in 1936. During that year the entire assembling process was set there too with the principle offices for structure, improvement and testing. 
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In 1937 a speed of 400 km/h was surpassed by an Auto Union hustling vehicle. That world record demonstrated that this organization benefited as much as possible from their vehicles - lightweight, extraordinary motor intensity of 545 torque and a fine air dynamical structure. Indeed, even today we talk with deference about such a fast and we could just envision what an innovative item these vehicles were for their time. 
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In 1938 Auto Union AG were the first to make crash tests. They needed to see the various ways that could occur and this made workable for additional and better plans with respect to the wellbeing of the travelers. This is a significant issue in the business today and we should offer our appreciation to the first whom however about it. 
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Regular citizen creation was intruded on as a result of the war in May 1940 and the organization started creation for the most part for military purposes. Unique vehicles were created during that time which were progressively tough and with the capacity to last even in increasingly cruel conditions. 
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In 1945 Auto Union was cleaned from presence with the sets of the Soviet military organization in Germany. The plants were destroyed as reparations and all benefits of the organization were lost during that procedure. In 1948 the organization was erased from the Commercial Register and 17 August 1948 is expressed as its last day. 
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On 3 September 1949 another organization was set up by the name Auto Union GmbH in Ingolstadt. A few advances from the Bavarian state government and Marshall Plan made that conceivable. The creation procedure began around the same time. 
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Numerous occasions happen later on for this organization and everything that happened made feasible for the establishment of Audi as we probably am aware it today. New world records were made and new structures were made. In 1991 plan reads made feasible for Audi quattro Spyder to happen and another great structure with the name Audi Avus quattro. 

In 1993 some aluminum components made the vehicles increasingly lightweight which was an inclination for a long time. 

One of the most recent huge things that happened was in March 1994. This is when Audi AG introduced another vehicle model - the Audi A8. This was a significant fascination in the Geneva Motor Show. 

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